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[Sticky] Server Rules

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Joined: 2 months ago

General Rules

● Hacking is not permitted at any time.
● Do not send NSFW/Malicious content on any platform related to Redemption Servers.
● Do not join in on any staff sits.
● No advertising or poaching for other servers or communities.
● Do not impersonate staff members or any players.
● No attempting to leave or leaving any staff sit. (LTAP)
● No scamming.
● No metagaming.
● Do not harass any players.
● You are not allowed to join on an alt account if you have other accounts that are banned.
● Players may not randomly kill players. (RDM)
● Players may not randomly arrest players. (RDA)
● All warns must be adverted using /advert with the following format (warn 1/2/3); they must also be given
within a 3 second spacing.
● Players may not use props to gain an illegal advantage (Propclimb or Propkilling)
● Players must wait a 3-minute period before returning to their last death location (NLR)
● Interacting with the person who killed within the 3-minute period also counts as NLR
● You may only interact with said person if you were killed by a hitman. (FailRP or Revenge RDM if one player
kills the other)
● Players must focus on role playing properly and must have intent to do so. (NITRP & Fail RP)
● Players must not connect adverts, example RAID/COUNTER/MUG.
● Leaving after you were raided is not allowed, doing so will result in a LTAP warning. (Leaving to avoid

Criminal Rules & Raiding Rules

● Players must not repeatedly place hits on the same person.
● Kidnappings can only last 15 minutes.
● You can only kidnap every 15 minutes, or 30 minutes for the same person.
● During a mugging, the mugger must advert emphasizing that someone is being mugged.
● The max mug is 4,000 and they must be given 7 seconds to drop the money.
● Criminal roles are listed under the Gangster section in the F4 Job Menu.
● Kidnappers cannot mug players.
● Parties with kidnappers cannot target a certain person repeatedly.
● You must advert raid when you're raiding another person.


● Players must not build when they are being raided.
● Defenders must be near their property in order to defend against a raid.
● Raiders may only raid with their party or by themselves.
● Raiders must be near the property they are raiding to begin the raid.
● Players must wait 15 minutes before raiding again, and 30 minutes before raiding the same base. (This also
goes for assists)
● Raiders may not counter another raid while their current raid is in progress.

Police & Mayoral Rules

● The mayor may not add laws that restricts players to use cosmetics or basic Redemption Servers abilities.
This includes any movement base laws. (J-Walking etc...)
● The mayor may allow the use of checkpoints (Less than 2)
● The mayor cannot base anywhere except the PD.
● The mayor cannot own printers or any source of income that breaks law number 2.
● Police cannot be corrupt or do activities that go against the laws. (With the exception of the corrupt cop
● job)
● Police cannot own bases or doors.
● Police cannot place hits. (With the exception of the corrupt cop job)
● Entrances to the PD may not be prop-blocked.
● The lobby of the PD may be under public use and cannot be KOS’d. Any doors past lobby can be KOS’d.
● No keypads or building allowed in PD.
● NLR does not apply to police during PD Raids.
● Police may only warrant if the police can identify illegal activities/ have a probable cause happening
● related to that player.
● Police cannot baton rush another player. (Rushing a player with your arrest baton while the criminal is using
lethal force or chasing a player spamming the arrest baton)
● In a criminal scenario, the police must attempt to go for an arrest unless the criminal pulls out a firearm
which the officer may then use lethal force.
● Fading doors cannot be placed inside the PD.
● Police are not allowed to random weapon search or create false warrants, even as a corrupt cop.

Basing Rules

● Parties must base have all their players living in the same base (All party members own the doors).
● Bases must not restrict players from standing during a raid.
● Fading doors must be able to fit 2x2 players between each door.
● The fading door limit per base is 5 fading doors.
● A party must contain 5+ players to create a mega base.
● Players must not have fake/hidden keypads, the keypads must be right next to the fading door.
● One-ways are allowed, except YOU MAY NOT shoot through the one-way.
● All shooting holes/cracks must be visible as visible to the raider as to the defender.
● World glow is not allowed.
● Bases that confuse the players on where the entrance is or where to head to further advance in the base are
not allowed.
● Trap bases are not allowed. (Bases with their only purpose being to kill the raiders)
● No-collide can only be used in base for decorations, it cannot allow easy access into the base or any sort of
● Doors that require you to crouch are not allowed.
● Black out bases are not allowed.

KOS Signs

● KOS signs cannot be placed on public property (Sidewalks etc…) unless if you’re a hobo.
● The KOS sign can be used for player owned properties.
● Only the base owner or party members may enforce the KOS.
● A KOS line may be used in place for the KOS Sign.
● The KOS line may go onto public property, but it must allow enough space for citizens to pass by without
entering the KOS line.

Building Signs
● The building sign can be used while your base is under construction.
● You cannot have a KOS and Building sign at the same time.
● You cannot collect income when a building sign has been placed.
Non-Criminal Jobs
Gun Dealers/Black Market Dealers/ Vape Dealers/ any Dealer Class
● Gun Salesman cannot self-supply to themselves or their parties, unless there are no other gun dealers

● online.
● Gun Salesman must have their shop opened to the public. (cannot deny service unless building or under a
● Gun Salesman cannot raid, mug, kidnap, etc.
● Can base with other salesmen.
● Can own printers.
● Cannot mug, raid, kidnap, etc.
● Can base only with other citizens/producers.
● Can own printers.

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